Summer Solstice weekend '08

Fremont Solstice Fair

out on Vashon, petting Milli

Bernard smiling

Birthday party get together in Kuboto gardens. Pictured here is Nova, Noel and Rich rockin' it!

Photosynthesis festival '08

The festival was as beautiful as it was tragic. Thanks to all! By the way, I would've loved to have more pix of more musicians, but I was in the dome painting a large amount of the time.


Art dome

KJ Sawka



Pretty fuzzy sunrise



Fire dancing and Ryan Johnson digital painting

Dinner time!

Sweet Peeps Kitchen truck

Cape Alava

Building the fire structure (sauna)

At night the tide went out and in the left over seaweed hatched millions of gnats, which swarmed us and our fire. We eventually all retreated to one tent until they completed their horrible little lives of intense and instant pleasure. We determined that the point to their existance was to get us into the tent and bond.

Anyway, the photo below is one small glimpse of the many gnat graveyards left behind. Yep, the dark grey is all gnats!

Marching crabs

Hanging out on the beach

Down the beach a ways we found ancient petroglyphs carved into the stone. The coffee bean looking orbs were prevalent among these petroglyphs.

White men with their christianity!